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Monday, November 16, 2009

HPS#3 - Working date with hubby

It's a beautiful Sunday. Hubby and me have long planned in going to our own house in Mintal to do some cleaning. With Keona's surgical operation, firing and hiring of babysitter and juggling work, we have not visited there for a long time now. There's a thick cloud in the sky outside which is a hint of a coming rain but Mom said it's gonna be in the late afternoon. We don't go there if there's a rain because we do weeding out of grass outside. Then hubby remembered that it's Manny Pacquiao's boxing fight and he had second thoughts of going to Mintal. But Mom said we can still see it because we have TV there anyways. Though it's a little delayed for it's not pay-per -view. So we push through with our plan of going to our house. We arrived there at around 11:00 o'clock in the morning. We just ordered beef soup and rice at Garrido's for our lunch.

There's a piece of paper at the fence and when I look at it, it's a water bill. Not that big because nobody lives in there so I won't pay it yet. I miss our house. It was not as dirty and as grassy as I have expected because there's not much rain for the past months. But a little more dusty inside and I notice a lot of cobwebs. I started pulling off the grasses in front, while hubby worked on the left side. When I was about half finished of the area, the rain poured down so we had to stop. While working outside the house, we were monitoring the boxing fights. We continued our work when the rain stopped and while the under cards are the ones playing. When the main event started, we stopped doing our work which was almost finished by that time and we were glued on the TV until it was finished. Nice fight. We went back home at around 5:00 in the afternoon to catch up Keona's antibiotic schedule which was 6:30 in the evening.

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