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Friday, August 16, 2013

Preparing Your Family For The Adoption Process

The adoption process is one that can take some time, even for families that feel ready to take their first steps to adoption. Aside from completing the application, and arranging for the necessary measures and processes to begin, families need to make sure they are physically ready and prepared for the arrival of their new member. Even before speaking to an adoption agency, you should begin preparations both at home and among your family members for adapting to life with your adopted child. 

Preparing your family for adoption is necessary for ensuring the smoothest possible transition, and for enabling your family to more quickly move through the adoption process. It is essential that every member of your family is supportive of the idea, and that they understand what will be involved in caring for a new child. But how can you ensure your partner, kids and extended family are ready to embrace the change?

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Conversation is key. Family members need to know and agree to the adoption plan before you commence an application. This is the best way to ensure that everyone understands and is happy with potential arrangements, to avoid problems later down the line. Children can be particularly sensitive to plans of this nature, and it is important to involve your kids, no matter how young, in the process. This will ensure you can present your case as a settled, stable family unit for providing a loving home for an adopted child.

It is pointless to pretend adoption will be an easy ride. It is natural for the ups and downs of life to affect adopted families, as with non-adopted families. But for those that have taken on an adopted child, there is no backing out of the deal. As such, it is wise to discuss the positives and the negatives of adoption with your family first, in order to develop strategies for coping and an awareness of the challenges family life can bring.

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Aside from the people in your home, you also need to think more practically when preparing for the adoption process to begin. If you live in a small apartment, or if your kids are already sharing bedrooms, it might not be the best decision to choose adoption at this stage. While space shouldn’t always be a barrier, it is important to be realistic about whether you can cope with an additional person in your home. Work out how you can best make use of your living space before you begin the application. This will help ensure you are as ready as possible for the potential of a successful match.

Talking to an adoption agency at an early stage in the process can help with your preparations – both personally, and in terms of your application. Experienced adoption staff can advise on how the process works, in addition to the practical implications of your decision to apply. A good adoption agency is a vital ally in your application for adoption, and can help clarify anything you need to know before the process gets fully underway.

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